Love Warriors

Deletta Gillespie
Deletta Gillespie

Today, I bow my head in prayer and hold peace and love in my heart and mind for those who have lost their lives because others have chosen to visit their inhumanity upon them. How do we best honor those who no longer walk the earth in the flesh?
After the prayers, the tears, and the expressions of solidarity, we begin with ourselves. Live and speak love and peace. Work for peace and understanding. Work through your own feelings of fear, anger, angst, and release them. Release the ego’s hold on your consciousness. Raise your vibration by always choosing higher. Work to stay grounded in peace. It’s okay to be pissed off and/or sad, but don’t build a foundation – or even pitch a tent in that space. Channel those lower feelings into something that moves you at least closer to neutral. Mourn for and with those who are affected by these senseless crimes against humanity, then go do something that feels good, that makes you happy, that feeds your soul. Go help someone.
No matter your faith/religion/beliefs, we all inhabit this rock together. We are all both human AND divine, and individual expressions of the Being/Energy/Force/Love that created us…caused us to be. And if we truly believe that, then we will follow the examples of those that were/are what I call Love Warriors. We will willingly walk in the footsteps of those that have walked before us. Us being here right now is no accident. We have all been commissioned to do the work to lift ourselves and thereby the planet. We could truly change the world If we worked as diligently to spread the message of peace and love – if we LIVED peace and love, as do those who deal in the opposite. I invite you, my fellow travelers, to accept this grand commission. Stay in love and in peace, growing your joy, and whenever necessary, speak truth to power WITH LOVE. Do your best to make it a great day, and I hope this little ditty from Tuck and Patti will further encourage you to do so.