Browse Month

July 2018


Headshot20181It’s good to be back!

It took me a year, but the book has been published, the website is complete, the companion study guide will go to press soon, the product line is under construction, the tour is being booked as I write this, and the album fifty percent complete. It’s been a hectic, yet fruitful time. (I’ll tell you all about the book in a future post!)

To ease back into the routine of blogging, I’ve decided to begin again by sharing a Facebook post from Baltimore-based friend and fellow singer/songwriter Janice Buerkli. Why? Because I couldn’t have said this better myself! While in this post she has directed her advice to those below the age of 50, there are a few suggestions that are appropriate for any age!


Advice from a 50 sumptin to a 20-40 sumptin by Janice Buerkli

1. You’re probably cute and perky now but you won’t always be. If you haven’t already, start building on kind and nice. Move with integrity and gain respect. It will long outlast your booty. 
2. You don’t have to be boney or super athletic but if nothing else be flexible (both physically and mentally). Stretch, do yoga, walk. Any minor injury you get early in life could be a source of constant pain or immobility later in life. Don’t ignore it. 
3. Slow down. Look around. Acknowledge people. Make eye contact. Be present. 
4. Know your body. 
5. Don’t waste one second thinking you aren’t good enough. You are the shit.
6. Don’t waste one second thinking you are better than someone else. Other people are the shit too.
7. Tell people they are the shit in case they didn’t know. 
8. Wear sunscreen and stay moisturized. You don’t get a second chance with this one. 
9. If your cute shoes hurt now… your cute feet will hurt later. Cute = no pain 
10. Pay attention to older cute people making lists. ?
That’s all for now…

(copied with permission by Janice Buerkli)

I’m Deletta Gillespie, and I approve of this directive!